MSI GE76 11UE Raider 17.3 inch
144Hz 32GB RAM, 512GB PCIe SSD,
Intel 8-Core i7-11800H
Nvidia RTX 3060 FHD Gaming Laptop,
Thunderbolt 4, RGB Backlit,
HDMI Cable,
Windows Pro
Mention when you calling seller to get a good deal
#Use a safe location to meet seller
#Beware of unrealistic offers#Avoid cash transactions#Negotiate the process#Bring in a trusted third party
Pleas contact the team
MSI GE76 11UE Raider 17.3 inch 144Hz 32GB RAM, 512GB PCIe SSD, Intel 8-Core i7-11800H Nvidia RTX 3060 FHD Gaming Laptop, Thunderbolt 4, RGB Backlit, HDMI Cable, Windows Pro